Movement.org envisions a global alliance of city gospel movement leaders dedicated to bringing renewal to our world’s urban centers. The Movement Day Scholars Program is a key component of this vision. This dynamic initiative is aimed at impacting 1,000 cities by 2033 through the training of 5,000 scholars. With a proven three-year track record in India, Africa, and South America, the Movement Day Scholars Program acts as a catalytic accelerant, leaving a lasting impact on leaders and the cities they serve.
Jonathan Edwards said, “Revival is the approximation of the Consummation.” Imagine what could happen if there were 1,000 gospel movements uniting marketplace, ministry, and church leaders? What could God do through a community of united, prayerful, and missional leaders, city by city, around the globe?

Igniting Gospel Movements in South Asia
USA Scholar Fosters Prayer, Collaboration Among Churches
Creating Gospel Ecosystems in Brazil
The global population has now surpassed eight billion, with a majority of people living in 6,000 cities. As this trend continues, it is estimated that 70 percent of the world will live in cities by the year 2050. Fostering muscularity among leaders and organizations is critical to tackling the great challenges of the 21st century urban landscape.
The Movement Day Scholars Program is playing a vital role in strengthening gospel movements in cities that are overwhelmed by poverty, addiction, trafficking, and other great societal challenges. In Chennai, India, a Movement Day Scholar was inspired to plant 4,000 churches in the slums of his city, while another launched a youth discipleship program that is training 400 young people to share the gospel.
When you look at the globe today—in all of its spiritual, financial, and humanitarian need—the gospel is the only hope. Cities around the world need leaders equipped and empowered to launch gospel movements.
– Mac Pier, founder of Movement.org
Movement’s NYC Story:
A Model for Impact
The Movement Day Scholars Program is based on best practices from the organization’s distinguished history of leadership development in New York, including Mac Pier’s doctoral work with urban ministry expert Ray Bakke in the 1980s and a collaboration with Dr. Tim Keller and Redeemer City to City. Over two decades, a church planting alliance and a prayer movement with 2,000 churches and produced tangible fruit such as increased church attendance (300%), a lower crime rate (70% drop in the murder rate), and the birth of cultural and cross denominational partnerships.
Movement Day, a gathering that brings leaders together from the churches, non-profit, marketplace, and civic communities, was launched in 2010 in New York City. Six years later, Movement Day Global Cities was held in Manhattan, convening 3,000 attendees from 95 nations and 400 cities. In the last 14 years, the Movement Day footprint has spread across the globe through the Scholars program, Movement Cities, and other initiatives.
The Scholars Program
The Movement Day Scholars Program is an intensive three-year certificate training module crafted for leaders working within their own cities. With a faculty of seasoned practitioners from various global contexts, the program builds capacity in leaders through a curriculum that is focused on spiritual depth, urban theology, and collective efforts. Movement Day Scholars graduate by creating a 10- year plan to collectively achieve a “North Star” goal, a faith-stretching goal to see God transform a city.

As both an observer and a faculty member, I have witnessed the deep passion that Scholars carry for the cities God has placed on their hearts to transform for His glory.
– Bob Doll, CEO Crossmark Global Investments, Board Chair, Movement.org

My heart has been enlightened to understand the pain of my city, and I now have better tools to deal with that pain. I came to faith in Christ more than 44 years ago, but the Scholars Program has redefined my leadership framework, my understanding of partnerships, and the importance of the leader’s spiritual formation in community. The reflective reading of Lectio Divina, allowing the Scriptures to read you, has been quite refreshing and liberating.
The exploration of my gospel ecosystem and designing a decadal plan to address the challenges of our region has restored my hope. I am convinced that city gospel engagement is my life’s mission. I feel equipped to mobilize and engage within my gospel ecosystem. Myriads of challenges are being replaced with opportunities for transformation. My mantra: “When you love your city, it loves you back."
Movement Day Scholar, Hub Leader,
Accra, Ghana
to impact cities for spiritual & social transformation
It costs $5,000 per scholar per year to fund the Movement Day Scholars Program. This provides resources for training, travel, coordination, and global management. To complete the program, one must take Levels I, II, & III over three years for a total investment of $15,000 per scholar.
YEAR 1 (2024): $2.5M to fund 500 Scholars
YEAR 2 (2025): $5m to fund 1,000 Scholars (500 new)
YEAR 3 (2026): $7.5m to fund 1,500 Scholars (500 new)
YEAR 4-10 (2027-2033): $7.5m annually to fund 1,500 Scholars per year (500 new per year)*
* In Years 4 through 10, 500 scholars will be added per year and 500 scholars will graduate each year from the three-year program.
TOTALS FOR 2024-2033:
All funds will go to support the overall Movement Day Scholars Program. 70% of funds received toward the 1,000 Cities Vision will support the overall training of scholars, developing the work in their cities, and regional leadership, while 30% of funds will go to support the costs of Movement.org’s global oversight and event coordination costs. The Movement Cities Fund will be launched in May 2024 with the goal of initiating the next generation of scholars in October 2024.
PARTICIPATE in the Movement Day Scholars Faculty
Join a regional LEADERSHIP TEAM
Join the Movement.org PRAYER CALLS
HOST a vision meeting of peers
SPONSOR SCHOLARS at $5,000/year for 3 years
SPONSOR A CITY MOVEMENT at $25,000 per year for 3 years