Movement USA


Movement USA


U.S. City Leaders Call


In our U.S. City Leaders Call on March 4th, we took an honest look at what it means to cheer for other Christ-centered nonprofits in our sectors. How often do we pray for our perceived rivals? Do we focus on loyalty to our organization or to Jesus Christ? Do we believe in a world of abundance or scarcity? “Give yourself the gift of getting over yourself,” said Peter Greer of Hope International in leading our discussion. Also the author of Rooting for Rivals, Greer reminded us that our witness to the world is contingent on the way we treat each other, and we can trust in God’s provision.

Scott Ross of the American Bible Society also highlighted how city leaders can begin to understand and address trauma. When we hear the word “trauma," we often think about the cause – such as violence, abuse, disaster. But trauma is actually the effect. It’s a wound of the heart and mind. Do you know the 3 Questions to ask someone who is hurting? And the Safe Listener’s Promise? Check out these free resources at