Our Mission

To catalyze leaders to spiritually & socially impact their cities

through rigorous research, uniting prayer, unified local leadership, and powerful collaboration between diverse sectors.


The Centrality of Corporate Spiritual Disciplines

Churches, business and agency leaders need to be invited into a common spiritual experience for their city. This is the foundation of gospel movements over the past 30-years, with expressions like Concerts of Prayer, Greater New York’s Pastors’ Prayer Summit, The Lord’s Watch (daily prayer) and various other city-wide prayer and Scripture reading campaigns being classic examples.

Every movement needs common language or “semantic currency,” such as Luther’s “95 Theses” for the Reformation. Even prayer requires submission to unity. We need to be careful not to let our commitment to our own theology or methodologies divide us.


Compelling Research Spawns Results

Whether it’s as basic as online population, employment, academic performance and immigration research, or as sophisticated as hiring professionals to gather detailed and granular research on a community, city or region, good research compels action.

We have discovered that the average leader in the average church has little idea of what is actually happening in their city. Armed with compelling research, the informed church can rally around common challenges, and establish powerful agreement on what needs to be done as well as what they can accomplish together.


Training Existing Leadership & Cultivating Millennial Leadership

It is critical to provide training for gospel movement practitioners. The majority of city movements in North America are currently led by caucasian, male baby-boomers. While these leaders are passionate and effective mobilizers, they sometimes lack the organizational capacity that is needed to move beyond the ‘awareness and spiritual discipline’ phase and become effective at envisioning and skillfully deploying leaders around areas of common passion. Unique training is needed for each entity, in what we call the “3-legged stool”: church leader, marketplace leader and mission agency leader.


Convening Diverse Leaders to Work Together

It is important to listen to others’ perspectives and determine, together, how the Lord might be calling upon us to improve the world for all His people by aiding vulnerable families, immigrants, refugees, ex-offenders and more through Jesus’ love. Bring the power of the "congregant army" to bear in our communities. It is only with a unified front that we will see explosive growth- in conversions, in church plantings, in the growth of the gospel’s influence on society and against the greatest humanitarian challenges of our day.

United Corporate Prayer

Movement.org is not for a select group of people that already have power

We are anchored in our dependency on God and each other in the gospel to transform our cities.  We seek God’s direction, together, as one new humanity in Christ; no matter where we come from, no matter our background, no matter our citizenship; prayer builds foundations of trust.

Localized Leadership

Movement.org is not a formulaic organization that will control a program

People love that which they know and leaders own what they design across multiple sectors (marketplace, pastoral, mission agency, civic, millennial). We believe God places on the hearts of Kingdom leaders within a city how to work together strategically for the common good of their city, using rigorous city research.

Servanthood Posture

Movement.org is not a prescribed project driven by human means

We place a towel over our arm and seek to serve Christian leaders in a way that advances God’s hopes and dreams for their city. LEAD.NYC – as the expression of Movement.org in NYC – will be a global model of both excellence and humility, so as to serve global cities in the best possible manner.

Collaborative Partnership

Movement.org is not limited to one sector of leadership

This is the pragmatic expression of unity in a city toward measurable outcomes.  We believe every area and age of leadership in a city must be leveraged to create maximum healing and collaboration is the surest way to obtain sustained impact.

Gospel Basis

Movement.org is not a social organization focused merely on good work for the city

We believe the social flourishing of the city is based on the spiritual renewal of the city.